SAPMEA offers extensive continuing professional development and education to Specialists, GPs, Practice Nurses, Practice Managers, and Allied Health Professionals across Australia.
The South Australian Postgraduate Medical Education Association (SAPMEA) is a charity and not for profit organisation with a sole purpose to develop and deliver continuing professional development programs for medical and health professionals across Australia.
We invest all proceeds directly into medical education and have been doing so since 1897.
Our Vision
We aim to be a leading not-for-profit healthcare education provider in Australia.
Advancing education to support the best health outcomes for our community.
Our Mission
SAPMEA delivers quality education and training to healthcare professionals.
We foster professional networks within the health community.
Our programs are innovative with expert facilitators and relevant, contemporary content.
Organisational goals
1. Strong relationships engaging the medical and health professional community and stakeholders
2. Inspirational leaders in medical and healthcare education
3. Financial sustainability as a not-for-profit charity organisation
4. Employer of choice ensuring quality and operational excellence
Our Strategic Priorities 2024 - 2027