Please arrive at 8:30am for registration and networking. The workshop will commence promptly at 9:00am.

DiTP is designed for junior doctors, international medical graduates and trainees working in hospital and community settings.

This plastering workshop is a hands-on practical experience focussing on the assessment of limb injuries and the application of plaster of paris (POP) slabs. With over 20+ years experience in casting and orthopaedic care, Cheryl Kimber will take participants through the relevant safe assessment and positioning, and application of plaster of paris splints and casts.

This workshop is clinically relevant, highly hands-on and interactive. In a small class environment you will get one-on-one exposure and experience under the guidance of a true expert.

The program:

  • Upper limb plastering techniques (trauma below elbow slab – for volar or dorsal fractures of the radius +/- ulna and Ulna Gutter)
  • Lower limb plastering technique (Ankle - below knee slab)
  • Breaking up into pairs for the practical component, participants will apply one upper limb slab and one lower leg slab to each other

** Please ensure you come dressed appropriately for the practical component. Old shorts and t-shirt are recommended.

The facilitator: Cheryl Kimber, Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner, FMC

Cheryl has 30 years’ experience in casting and orthopaedic care as a NUM and Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner (20 years). One of her many interested is ensuring casts and slabs are applied correctly and by competent trained and educated health care practitioners. She facilitates and taught in the SALHN, SAON and ANZONA orthopaedic casting course for over 15 years, as well as produced the current casting protocol and competency standards for SALHN.


The cost for this workshop is $100. A tax invoice will be provided to claim reimbursement from your SA Health PD funds or tax return.

A networking morning tea is provided.

Discover more DiTP workshops at

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Event details

Saturday, May 18
9:00am - 12:30pm

Prospect Town Hall (Irish Harp Room 1 & 2)

Presented By
Cheryl Kimber, Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner, FMC

This event has already occured.

If you have any questions about it, please contact-us.