Learning outcomes:

  • To understand the prevalence and health consequences of common sleep disorders (OSA and insomnia) in Australia.
  • To understand the current burden of sleep disorders on tertiary sleep centres and referral processes at the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network Sleep Health Service.
  • To understand the differential diagnoses and how to evaluate a patient who presents to primary care with a complaint of daytime sleepiness.
  • To increase awareness of current research being conducted in Australia to improve primary care involvement in OSA and insomnia management and to provide opportunities for practices to become involved.


  • Prof Robert Adams AISH Clinical Director at Flinders University, and Respiratory & Sleep Physician at FMC
  • A/Prof Ching Li Chai-Coetzer Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health, Flinders University and Clinical Lead Sleep Health Service and Respiratory & Sleep Physician at FMC
  • A/Prof Nicole Lovato Senior Researcher and Psychologist, AISH, Flinders University


Dinner and drinks package included with no cost to attend

Sleep disorders photo

Event details

Tuesday, September 26
6:30 - 9:00pm

Hotel Elliot

Presented By
Prof Robert Adams, A/Prof Ching Li Chai-Coetzer, A/Prof Nicole Lovato

This event has already occured.

If you have any questions about it, please contact-us.

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