Doctors in Training Program (DiT)

Elevate your clinical and non-clinical skills with our mentorship-focused program for junior doctors and trainees.


About DiTP

At SAPMEA, we enhance community health by advancing healthcare skills. The Doctors in Training Program (DiTP) supports junior doctors, international medical graduates, and trainees, providing mentorship to refine their clinical and non-clinical skills. Our goal is to help doctors become the best they can be, delivering top-class healthcare with confidence. Participants receive a certificate of attendance for CPD hour claims.

Our Doctors in Training program has been a tremendous success this year, making a positive and lasting impact on both our trainees and the community. The program has not only enhanced the skills of our future healthcare professionals but also contributed to improving local healthcare services. We're excited about what's to come in the year ahead and look forward to continuing this journey of growth and innovation. 

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming initiatives and developments!

For further information and registration links for each workshop, please visit the SAPMEA Education Calendar.

Meet the Doctors in Training Program Facilitators

Herman Chua

Dr Herman Chua

Emergency Medicine Consultant

Herman is a Senior Specialist in Emergency Medicine with over 20 years of clinical experience. He has been extensively involved in the education of junior doctors and trainees, having conducted workshops at local and national conferences and holding positions such as Director of Training and Examiner for ACEM.

Cheryl Kimber

Cheryl Kimber

Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner

Cheryl has 30 years’ experience in casting and orthopaedic care as a NUM and Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner (20 years). One of her many interested is ensuring casts and slabs are applied correctly and by competent trained and educated health care practitioners. She facilitates and taught in the SALHN, SAON and ANZONA orthopaedic casting course for over 15 years, as well as produced the current casting protocol and competency standards for SALHN.

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Dr John Bastian

Rehabilitation Medicine Consultant

John is a Senior Consultant Physician in Rehabilitation Medicine, who for the last 30 years has worked in the area of complex Orthopaedic and Neurologic Rehabilitation, Occupational and Pain Medicine. Up until 2021, John was Acting Head of Unit at the Hampstead General Rehabilitation Unit, and has been actively involved in teaching and running workshops in Musculoskeletal, General Rehabilitation and Medicolegal Medicine.

Angela Travis

Dr Angela Travis

Rural Generalist, Emergency Medicine and Anaesthetics

Angela is a Rural Generalist specialising in Emergency Medicine and Anaesthetics and currently works at Mt Barker Hospital. Angela holds fellowships with both the RACGP and ACRRM. Angela completed the Fellowship in Advanced Rural General Practice in Anaesthetics and has been working as a Rural Generalist Anaesthetist for 13 years. More recently she completed the Advanced Diploma in Emergency Medicine through ACEM. Angela also works as a RERN doctor (Rural Emergency Responders Network), is the Acting Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the South Australian Ambulance Service, and works at the South Australian Virtual Care Service (SAVCS) as an Emergency Consultant.

For questions and enquiries, please contact us at